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Mensajes publicados por rock3r

  1. Ya te he cambiado el nick, pero que conste que no soy partidario de los nicks impronunciables.



    Gracias!! ya esta el cambio, pero si es pronuncible :P


    Bueno solo se pronuncia simplemente roker, no? Jajaja, está mejor que dog eso sí. Quizás también cambie el mío, pues ya lo veo muy infantil con símbolos y esas cosas XD, esos viejos tiempos.


    Correcto, asi se pronuncia, bueno solo es cuestion de imaginacion.


    :abrazos: :hello:

  2. un retraso mas...





    It's not easy getting cellphone reception from the Underworld, but somehow Lara has managed it with a little help from Zip.


    She's just informed us that she'll be arriving on the Mac on June the 14th. She also sent us this picture of herself trying to get to grips with one of Apple's prototype "Hands Free" peripherals.*


    To find out more about our heroine's latest foray onto the Mac, details have been unearthed at the Tomb Raider Underworld minisite.




    *Not really. It's actually Thor's Hammer. We thought you'd probably figure that out, but it's best to clarify. We wouldn't want to disappoint anyone looking to upgrade their Magic Mouse.


    No hay bonus para la version de MAC :(


    Ivan, we're sorry you're annoyed. And the bonus content was Xbox 360-exclusive, so it won't be on the Mac version.
  3. Retrasado....


    It appears that the elusive Miss Croft will be otherwise engaged on an urgent mission this Thursday and will not be able to make the launch of Underworld on the Mac.


    She has requested that we delay release by one week until Thursday, June 7th, when you she promises us her fullest attentions. Of course her wish, is our command.

  4. Me acabo de encontrar con la noticia:


    Tomb Raider release date shifts to early 2013
    de Tomb Raider, el Domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012 a la(s) 23:16 ·
    Hello everyone,
    Below you’ll find a very important message from Darrell Gallagher, Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics.
       A Message to the Tomb Raider Community
         When Crystal Dynamics first set out to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise, there were two goals that we were extremely passionate about. The first was to create a modern Tomb Raider game that would surprise and excite gamers. The second was to make this the best game of our careers, something we would be really proud to be a part of. We truly believe that we have something very special on our hands and we can’t wait to share it with you.
       Our priority now is to make sure we fully deliver the very highest quality game. In order to do this, we have decided to move the game’s release date by a few months, from Fall 2012 to the first quarter of 2013.
       We’re doing things that are completely new to Tomb Raider in this game and the additional development time will allow us to put the finishing touches into the game and polish it to a level that you deserve. We believe this is the right choice and I guarantee it will be worth the wait. The game is looking amazing and we can't wait to show it to everyone at E3 in a few weeks.
       Darrell Gallagher
    While disappointment in having to wait a bit longer for Tomb Raider is natural, I – and the rest of the studio – firmly believe this is the right decision. I know you’ll agree when holding an exceptional experience in your hands come launch day.
    I’m sure you’ve got lots of questions about the news above. We’ve created a dedicated thread in the official forums for you to voice your questions and comments. I’ll personally gather the common inquires and pose them to Darrell in the next Crystal Habit Podcast, so here’s an opportunity to make your voice heard.
    Official Forum Thread: http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?p=1757478#post1757478
    To take a bit of the edge off the delay, we decided to release a new screenshot hinting at content you’ll be seeing at E3.
    As always thank you for your continued support!
    Meagan Marie






    :@ :@



    Esperemos que sea paea bien y realicen un buen juego ya que tendran unos meses mas para hacerlo



    Coloco la imagen de Lara con el Arco que menciona Saqueadordt



  5. Pero tu tienes mac? Yo diria q bastante tarde lo sacaron, no se si lo hacen para matar un poco el tiempo xD



    Asi es yo tengo una mac. Es cierto, lo han sacado demasiado tarde, pero no tan tarde como para disfrutarlo de nuevo :P


    La version de Anniversary esta realizada muy bien, no se pasma y hasta la fecha no me da problemas incluso con todos los efectos activados, cosa que no pude hacer en Windows

  6. Tomb raider para Mac salgra este 31 de Mayo






    Estos son los requisitos:


    Requisitos Mínimos

    Sistema Operativo

    Mac OS X 10.6.8


    1.8GHz Intel



    Disco Duro


    Placa Gráfica


    Unidad Óptica





    Requisitos Recomendados

    Sistema Operativo

    Mac OS X 10.7.3


    2.4GHz Intel



    Disco Duro


    Placa Gráfica





    Las siguientes terjetas gráficas NO son compatibles: ATI X1xxx, NVIDIA 7xxx series y series de Intel GMA.


    Estos requisitos del sistema son provisionales y pueden estar sujetos a cambios antes del lanzamiento.


    Mas informacion:



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