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UhHH!!! Son gemelas!!! Solo que a una lo mandaron al mundo Virtual!!! xDDD
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Gracias VInce! Esta muy buena la Imagen! Identica al TR1!!! -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
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Gracias Erogan!! jajaja ¬¬ Espero que en este TRA haya muchasS!! Sorpresas!! y viciarme lo que hayYY!!!! -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
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Pasa Que??? Es escencial una Demo!!! para saber que tal esta el juego... Yo lo quiero, pero que no sea muy extenso como el de LEGEND, que era mas de la Mitad del Primer nivel -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
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Terminen con el tema de Los PechOs!! cuantos meses antes que salga TRL sacaron la DEMO??? para tener una idea para cuando puede salir el DEMO de TRA???!! -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Muchisimas Gracias mike!!!! Por la Traduccion!!! Que EMocioNnN!!!! ya quiero0 Jugar!! Como dicen, el mes de diciembre lo utilizaran para pulir el juego, y para finales de Enero es probable que ya lo tengamossS!!! -
Gracias!!! Estan muy buenassS!!!
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
MAS INFO... CREO... Happy Birthday, Ms. Croft Tomb Raider Anniversary For her 10th Birthday the maker of Tomb Raider Legend send Lara through her first part of her famous series. Only a remake? No! Here is quite more than super looks. What for a year! Not 2006, because December is still left for a complete review. No, let's look a decade back - to the year 1996, in which happend a memorable moment: For example the young animation studio Pixar broke every visitor records with "Toy Story", the first film, which were complety made by computers. As the last EU-Country Belgium got rid of the death penalty and the german soccer team won the European championship againgst the Czech Republic with 2:1. But what the games of videogames is most momorable, is the birth of a pixellady named Lara Croft. Now, ten years later the development team, who helped the clever archeologist to get her former glory with "Tomb Raider: Legend", accord respect with her former debut: Tomb Raider: Anniversary is the remake of the first part in a modern look - and more. We visited the publisher Eidos in London to find out more about Lara's newest old adventure - and to light some birthday candles of course. About Lara and King Kong Right at the beginning Toby Guard corrected a big rumor: "No, Tomb Raider Anniversary is no 1:1 remake of the original one. Instead we were inspirierd by Peter Jackson, who made his remake of King Kong very succesfull: To take over highlights from the original part with a modern look." So, the team didn't build the original Tomb Raider stone for stone again, but provide the "new" game with remarkable single scenes from once. Is there a fan that doesn't remember the wooden cogwheel device and the waterfall in the Peruvian temple ruins? Or the T-Rex' scary and spectacular entrance? Unfortunately, Toby absolutely refused to show us the latter. Instead, we see Lara in another cutscene, standing at the bottom of a postcard compatible valley, staring at the camera in horror and barely able to stand due to quake-inducing footsteps (Jurassic Park, anyone?). The presentation stops right before the primeval animal appears. "Come on, gotta have a little suspense left", Toby jokes. Well, he's got it. New Fitness Program Even though Lara's arsenal of moves was revolutionary in the original Tomb Raider game, her jumping and crawling looks quite clumsy by today's standards. Remember long jumps, for example? Those worked more or less like this: Carefully walk up to the edge, hop back a full step, get some momentum, jump at the right moment and don't you forget that button to hang on! The programmers at Crystal Dynamics have adopted Lara's modernized abilities from Legend. You'll be able to reach far ledges even if you don't jump right at the very last moment. However, you'll have to grab again by hitting a key or your heroine will slip and fall. In general, you'll remember a lot of the jumping and climbing from Legend: Lara dives horizontally from ledge to ledge, swings on all kinds of bars and even hurls herself up to ledges above her. Of course the helpful grapple will return, which Lara uses to swing across chasms and to pull metallic objects towards herself. But Miss Croft has also learnt some new moves and balances on scarily narrow wooden poles – gamers using a gamepad with an analog stick will have a clear advantage. Tell Me Again! For those who can't remember: In the original Tomb Raider, Lara was hired by a mysterious organization to dig for a magical artefact called the Scion in the Peruvian mountains. As soon as Lara's found all of the three parts of the treasure, power-hungry Jacqueline Natla takes it from her and tries to kill her. Lara escapes and climbs, puzzles and shoots from now an through Greek and Egypt till Atlantis to get the Scion back. But honest, didn't you still know that? No? Well, we didn't. "I admit, we didn't tell the story well", Toby Gard confesses. "We want to make that better now." Like Tomb Raider: Legend there will be many cutscenes in the game's engine. But they weren't finish at the presentation. We assume that the cutscenes will be as stylish and furious as in Legend. Like 10 years ago! New movements, new level design, new graphic – will there still be left the original charm? "Of course", Toby answers. "For example Lara fights in Peru against many bats, wolves and bears. These has been the most type of enemies in Tomb Raider. But the team built in more nostaglia and they even rummaged from the design drawer the rotating ring menu and the same inventory from former days. Crystal Dynamics especially pays attention to take over the great atmosphere from the original Tomb Raider to Anniversary. "Lara's fans especially loved her isolation in the first part", Toby explains. "She was totally alone down there with all these enemies and had to explore old ruins by herself." To reach this oppressed atmosphere, the designers sent Lara's colleagues, who gave her hints over the headset and occasionally makes jokes, into virutal retirement. From which Lara is far away. Even 10 years later the pixellady from former days jumps as fresh and charming through her exciting adventures like then that some modern action hero could get anxiety. The Original Tomb Raider was published in November 1996 and revolutionized the genre of 3D action games. The brilliant mix of shooting, tricky puzzles and more tricky leaps as well as the smart and attractive female hero caused excitement all over the world. Tomb Raider were sold at millions as PC version as well as for Playstation and it has seven parts until now. Mid November the developer Crystal Dynamics (Tomb Raider: Legend) confirmed their work on the 8th part. The new "real" Lara Croft Six months ago when the newest part of Tomb Raider were published the Brand Manager Matt Gorman introduced Karima Adebibe (known from the movie Alien vs. Predator) the new and sixth Lara-Model. For the next two years the 21 year old Englishwoman represents Tomb Raider at game conventions and TV spots. To get prepared for her role, Karima absolved a recruit training at the SAS, the Anti-Terror-Unity at the british army and a hand-to-hand combat training and weapon training. "That is quite the greatest challenge to me as a model and actor and I want to hold it with both hands. Tomb Raider Anniversary Genre: Action-Adventure Date: first quarter 2007 Developer: Crystal Dynamics/Eidos Status: 90 % finshed Daniel Matschijewsky: "I'm a skeptic about remakes, for they are old games with a new technology – without fresh ideas. Tomb Raider: Anniversary shows how it could be: The level design were clever modernized, Lara's movements were gently adapted but the flair of the original is kept. The fans can looking forward to a lot of scenes, which 10 years ago were amazing. I finally want to see that T-Rex!" -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Muchas Gracias a Todos por Las Nuevas imagenes!!! estan muy buenas... Pero la Cara es HorribleeE!!! parece de una Bruja!!! es feisimo!!!! mas vale que no sea asi la cara final... le parece a Catherine Z- Jones.... -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Más Info del TR: ANNIVERSARY extraida de una Revista... Ok - they write a lot about Legend and TR1 in the magazine, and keep switching from TR1 to Legend to TRA and the present time, saying things like "remember when Lara could do this or that..." so maybe I'm reading everything out of context, and maybe they are referring to Legend in some sentences which I thought were references to TRA, but here's what I found out - I'm paraphrasing, so the full translation will read better when it becomes available. Grappling - The grappling which I guessed was a low-tech grapple at the beginning of the thread must be magnetic? ("she can use it to swing across gaps in the ground and pull metallic objects towards her"...) I think the "balancing on wooden boards" they refer to are e.g. rafts which are really small, so Lara has hardly anywhere safe to stand on them and has to do a balancing act (e.g. with the help of the analog sticks) at the same time as pulling herself across the water with the grapple. So at least the difficulty is increased if we have no choice but to use the grapple. Jumps - This got my attention: "Even if Lara's movements in the original Tomb Raider were groundbreaking at the time, those jumps and grabs of hers would only come across as 'clumsy' given today's dimensions..." (They then go on to explain the old TR1 hop back, do a running jump just as Lara reaches the ledge etc... and then move forward in time to say that the TRA Lara will have the abilities of the modernised Legend Lara.) However, in the screenshot where she is leaping in the air with one hand outstretched, the caption below reads "Acrobatics - but not for the fingers. Long jumps are less complicated than before" meaning there might be long jumps??? Grabs - From the way it is written in the magazine, this is open to interpretation. After making Lara jump across to a distant platform, at the other side, "You have to press a button to perform a grab at the ledge, otherwise Lara will slip off" Hopefully I think this means 'while Lara is still in mid-air, you have to press the grab button otherwise when Lara reaches the other platform she grabs and slips off (instead of autograb)' Everything else in the magazine seems to have been mentioned by someone here already, e.g. we get more animals like bears, bats and wolves etc... ring inventory, no zip/alister and we've heard nothing of the mansion yet, so that could be another thing to look forward to hearing about. My feeling is the game will be longer and much more difficult than Legend, and the Lara moves will be more fluid to avoid the gamer/button pressing " finger acrobatics movements of TR1" as they put it. Oh yeah, and I think the guy who wrote the article is a genuine TR fan. He also said he couldn't wait to get a glimpse of the T-Rex! So his positivity about TRA really does count. Not sure whether this has been mentioned, but the journalists didn't see any demos of the cutscenes/cinematics/whatever you want to call them while they were in London. This either means if they really are 90% complete, there's not so many cinematics anyway, or they mean they are 90% complete on the levels which were demo-ed to the journalists. I hope this has helped while the translation is being done. __________________________________________________________ Fuente: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread...360&page=45 PD: Si alguien es tan amable para traducir lo mas importante!! Gracias -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
DavidEs Crystal Dinamics se encarga en lo tecnico, en hacer el juego, los graficos etc... no tiene nada que ver con la Biografia... Lo de la Bio se Encarga EIDOS.... para que dejen de echar las culpas a CD una y otro vez, y ellos no tiene nada que ver... -
UhhHH!!! Gracias Por la Traduccion y por la Info!!! Espero que sea bien largo! asi vamos a Disfrutar totalmente del TR8!!!!
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Con estas imagnes que nos mostraron ahora ya basta... AHORA INFO!!! En que van a cambiar, o que cosas van a sacar, y cuales van a poner... FECHA, ETC!!!! -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Espero que antes!!! que salga en Enero!! a Finales!! Les quedan 2 meses, y para 10% basta y sobra!!! Que distinta es la Cara de Lara!!! pero el resto perfectooO!!! -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Si, fue en Alemania, fueron los primeros en recibir imagenes exclusivas y totalmente nuevas del Legend, y creo que con El TRA pasara lo mismo... -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
La cara de Lara ha cambiado totalmente!! Dios!!! :'( Muy buenas imagenes!! Gracias James!! xDD Yo quiero saber, cual es la emocion de EIDOS, por dar exclusivas al medio Aleman... Que preview, imagenes en revistas etc!!! -
jajajja esta buenisimo!!
Quiero algunas nuevas y tambien Remasterizadaa
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
El render del TRA se parece mucho a la Imagen del TR1, que les pongo abajo para comparar y ver que son casi identicas..... -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
Segun dice el Preview es Peru, y sobre el Render del TRA, no me gusta la cara... -
Nuevos Screenshots 10 Aniversario De La Play Mag.
tema responde a Tanausulord de JocLo en Prelanzamiento
UhhHH!!! Esta buenisimop ESa Imagen Rodri!!! Y vieron lo inmenso que es ese lugar???? esta alusinante!!! me encanta!!! Pinta demasiado bienm este Juego!!! PD: Casi Me Olvido! Gracias Por avisar C_Lord -
jajajaja, Lara se descuido en las ultimas cirugias!!! xDDD
Ya te respondieron MArk???
Espero que muestren, o digan algo interesante en las revistas!!
GRacais Mark!!! La Cosa es cuanto van a tardar en responder!! Espero que muy, Muy!! prontooO!