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Voy a poner la letra x si la kereis tb; :welcome:


Cyber Dream - Imperio


Welcome to cyber dream word

please enter correct password to activate the program

You are connected

Please enter code for selected destination

Destination Roman Empire

Enjoy your trip with cyber dream

All systems ready for action

Enter code 1121



I believe in the power of magic

In the power of magic

In the power of dreams


I believe in the power of magic

In the power of magic

In the power of dreams


Enter code 2764


All systems ready for higher level

3,2,1 action

Enter code 3257


I believe in the power of magic

In the power of magic

In the power of dreams


I believe in the power of magic

In the power of magic

In the power of dreams


Enter code 4239


I believe in the power of magic

In the power of magic

In the power of dreams(x2)


All systems back to level one

This was a journey with cyber dream


porque m sonaba caxo la canción e indagando y preguntandole a un amigo ajajaj m dice patry q es cyber dreams!! y bingoo! es un grupo q canta canciones sobre el imperio romano y tal, tienen una obsesión ajajajaj tienen ya la tira d años xo su musika es bastante actual, no creeis?¿

un bsotee


Imposible subirla, ocupa demasiado. No te esfuerces Neims. La única manera es usar el enlace que puso Ana María, o que alguien te la pase completa por Messenger :welcome:

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