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Cosplay / Lookalike Concurso de Verano 2008


Publicaciones recomendadas

July 7, 2008

Summer 2008 Topic:

Summer Holiday Lara & Male Hero


Submission Deadline: August 20th!


Catch the Holiday mood! Get into gear and submit a photo of yourself cosplaying Lara Croft (if you're a girl) or your favorite male hero (if you're a guy) - ON HOLIDAYS! Be creative, you are free to decide on the pose, location, outfit, and surroundings - as long as it captures the perfect Summer holiday feeling. Just imagine what your hero/Lara would like to do on vacation.


For Lara Cosplayers:

All outfits from all Tomb Raider games are allowed, only exception: NO BIKINI PICS - Please remember that all entrants are supposed to have equal chances, and not everyone feels comfortable showing skin. We reserve the right to reject any submissions that we consider too revealing.


For Male Cosplayers:

You are free to cosplay any hero of your choice. Examples for male Heroes are Han Solo, Indiana Jones, Kurtis Trent, Link, Spiderman, Superman, Jedi Knights (and also Sith), male adaptions of Tomb Raider, etc. If you're insecure about your costume choice, don't hesitate to ask.



e-mail for submissions: corelliandawn@gmail.com



Catch all the details about Photo standards, Deadlines, Requirements, and rules on http://corelliandawn.com/contest.html

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