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Acerca de Lydia

  • Cumpleaños 22/11/1987

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  1. Morgan is in the chat now everybody
  2. A number of kind people at Tomb Raider Forums have translated the whole article into English. I have compiled it here
  3. wow great pic BestmanPi its now on the site, is there an email address or website you would like me to link to?
  4. I put a selection of my favourites up. There is now also a screenshot of the day chosen randomly, i'm going to need new pictures soon before we run out of pictures for each day.
  5. Ok I'm guessing that means that I can put those images on my site? I will tomorrow do you want me to give an email address with them?
  6. yeah kiss-bite is an incredible artist. The question is does anyone have anything better, or just as good to submit?
  7. I have recentally added some stunning new artwork by kiss-bite, the image below is just a small example:
  8. ¿Eres un artista? ¿Tienes algunas piezas de fan art? Si es así, acabo de añadir una página de fan art en mi sitio web, y necesito algunas contribuciones. Así que si te gustaría que tus creaciones aparecieran en mi web, simplemente ponlas aquí. Necesitaré un nombre de contacto, una dirección de e-mail y la dirección de tu web, si tienes una, para promocionarte un poco.
  9. Thanks for the welcome, I have been helping translate articles for the Tomb Raider Fans magazine and I noiced you had lots of usefull things on TRLegend as well and all seemed really nice.
  10. sorry I don't speak any spanish but if you want more pics from the bonus dvd I have a transcript and screenshots of it here thanks to Trinity34 of the eidos forums.
  11. Kurtis was at his cabin sharpening Churigai’s razors when he heard the shot. In fact, the short burst of an Uzi. And then… silence. The noise had come from Lara’s cabin, and it was impossible she would have shot without reason. He jumped to the door, pulled it open and, after having run into a poor steward, he started thumping on the door. -Lara! What’s up? Lara!! Silence. People were comming out of their cabins, attracted by the noise. Without looking at anybody, Kurtis rushed towards the door and battered down it. He was very lucky because he fell and so avoided the bullets which were directed at his head. He rushed at the man and threw him to the ground, twisting the arm which was holding the Uzi. The man screamed with pain as his arm broke with a crunch. - Call the ship’s police! – screamed a lady who was watching the scene. The man dropped the weapon and kurtis kicked it away. - "You won't be able to use that anymore." The man struggled and punched Kurtis’ face. Then he ran away along the gangway. Lara was lying on the floor, motionless. Kurtis took three seconds to make a decision. He started to chase the man, his wound hurt, but the other man was suffering too, due to his broken arm which was shaking uncontrollably. He caught him on the deck, and cornered him against the rail. - Keep still!- he shouted – What are you doing? - She! – the Greek screamed, hysterical – She’s our danger! She was destinate to give birth to the demons’ race. - - If you’ve killed her, psycopath – Kurtis shouted, pointing him with the Boran- I swear you will remember me for the rest of your life! The Greek didn’t answer. He took out a knife and, before Kurtis could stop him, he stabbed himself on the heart. His dead body fell to the Black Sea. ok looks ok to me now. It might be worth getting someone else to read it all when its done to see that it all seems ok.
  12. hmm thinking about that maybe it should be an amanzon, I dunno. Ok next part Kurtis was at his cabin sharpening Churigai’s razors when he heard the shot. In favtwhat do you mean?, the short burst of an Uzi. An after… silence. The noise had come from Lara’s cabin, and it was impossible she would have shot without reason. He jumped to the door, pulled it open and, after having run into a poor steward, he started thumping the door. -Lara! What’s up? Lara!! Silence. People were going out of their cabins, attracted by the noise. Without looking at anybody, Kurtis rushed towards the door and battered down it. He was very lucky because he fell and so avoided the bullets which were directed at his head. He rushed at the man and threw him to the ground, twisting the arm which was holding the Uzi. The man screamed with pain as his arm broke with a crunch. - Call the ship’s police! – screamed a lady who was watching the scene. The man dropped the weapon and discharged it quickly, throwing the chambers to the gangway.eh? - That won’t have further use, you bastard!eh again The man struggled and punched Kurtis’ face. Then he ran away along the gangway. Lara was lying on the floor, motionless. Kurtis took three seconds to make a decision. He started to chase the man, his wound hurt, but the other man was suffering too, due to his broken arm which was shaking uncontrollably. He caught him on the deck, and cornered him against the rail. - Keep still!- he shouted – What are you doing? - She! – the Greek screamed, hysterical – She’s pur danger! She was destinate to reborn demons’ race!eh again - - If you’ve killed her, psycopath – Kurtis shouted, pointing him with the Boran- I swear you will remember me by the rest of your life! The Greek didn’t answer. He took out a knife and, before Kurtis could stop him, he stabbed himself on the heart. His dead body fell to the Black Sea.
  13. ok maybe "Why on earth is there Amazon here" is best for the second sentance then. I'll do the next part soon.
  14. ok so then we have "By plane? theat had to do a lot of scales and they dind’t trust in the line’s security" going to "Going by plane was an option but the tight security could cause problems." and "What on earth does an Amazon here" can be "Why is there an amazon in this story, we are in Greece" its more detailed but I think that might be best, if you want it simpler just tell me.
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