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Todo lo publicado por X34

  1. Yo me he tomado la libertad de crear uno para Temas Destacados: Que os parece? Quiza lo tenga que suavizar un poco.
  2. Oil, Fluo y Splat Orange
  3. Pero... pero... _ _ _ __ _ Tomb Raider, Assassin's Creed Revelations y Battlefield 3. Win.
  4. En realidad ese (Spoiler) se puede ver en el trailer. Está escrito en el papel que tiene lara en la mesa.
  5. Y de donde has sacado lo de cinematica confirmada del juego? Por cierto, sus ojos son marrones. Lo dice Jay en su firma dado a toda esa especulación xD
  6. See. Se la robó cuando le agarró de la mano. Luego volvió al barco como si nada a esperar que Roth volviese.
  7. INITIALIZING [iMAGE] ADVANCING|DATA_RETURN.002 LOCATION: 145.67 DEGREES SE EVIDENCE FILE: 32 - A CHASM MONASTERY LOAD>CONTINUE[...] (...mucho mas) Estoy seguro de que tendra una historia profunda. Y si es el Main Menu? Por lo de Load > Continue! EDIT: Chasm Monastery podria ser el sitio donde quieres aparecer / nivel que quieres rejugar! EDIT2: Por cierto, me recuerda MUCHISIMO a Assassin's Creed
  8. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AbYGP-DiuE4 Se me hace rara una empresa que sí se preocupe de sus fans españoles.
  9. ^ Mira una página atrás Y esa imagen ya estaba xD
  10. El dia 3... es viernes ;___; EDIT: Oh acabo de recordar que hoy tambien es viernes. Eso me devuelve la alegria :3
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DPADCL4xnfs
  12. ^ Por supuesto, pero la version "oficial" de Ubisoft es que, como las acciones presentes de AC toman parte en 2012, querian atar cabos sueltos para, en 2012, sacar AC3 que trataría la historia de Desmond, los Templarios y los Asesinos mas a fondo. Por cierto, a mi tampoco me gusta nada lo de "exprimir la gallina de oro"
  13. Esto es porque Ubisoft quiere atar cabos sueltos antes de lanzar AC3 en 2012.
  14. ^ Además Anonymous declaró que su fin no era hacer daño a los jugadores, aunque robando su información personal no se yo si están siguiendo su palabra. Por cierto, hablando de eso, la información personal de 500 personas de Anonymous ha sido robada.
  15. Pues si, anonymous, la organización de hackers que hackearon PSN hace tiempo y Eidos recientemente, ha sido atacada. Os dejo la noticia en inglés de momento: Fuente
  16. X34

    Zona XBOX 360

    Creeeeeooo que deberia apuntar aqui que eso era una broma del dia de los inocentes
  17. Se va acercando la E3 y estaría bien abrir un tema! E3 2011 ___________________ ___________________ 2K Games BioShock: Infinite (PC, PS3, X360) The Darkness II (PC, PS3, X360) 2K Sports NBA 2K12 (PS3, X360) Activision Prototype 2 (PC, PS3, X360) Skylanders Spyro's Adventure (PS3, Wii, X360) Spider-Man: Edge of Time (PS3, Wii, X360) X-Men: Destiny (DS, PS3, Wii, X360) Bethesda Softworks Prey 2 (PC, PS3, X360) Rage (PC, PS3, X360) The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim (PC, PS3, X360) Codemasters Bodycount (PS3, X360) F1 2011 (3DS, PC, PS3, PSP2, X360) D3 Publisher The Earth Defense Force: Insect Armageddon (PS3, X360) White Knight Chronicles II (PS3) Deep Silver Dead Island (PC, PS3, X360) Risen 2: Dark Waters (PC, PS3, X360) Devolver Digital Serious Sam 3: BFE (PC, PS3, X360) Disney Interactive Studios Cars 2 (DS, PC, PS3, Wii, X360) LEGO Pirates of the Caribbean: The Video Game (3DS, DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360) Electronic Arts Battlefield 3 (PC, PS3, X360) FIFA Soccer 12 (PC, PS3, X360) Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning (PC, PS3, X360) Madden NFL 12 (PS3, PSP, Wii, X360) Mass Effect 3 (PC, PS3, X360) NCAA Football 12 (PS3, X360) NHL 12 (PS3) Need for Speed: The Run (3DS, PC, PS3, X360) SSX (PS3, X360) Star Wars: The Old Republic (PC) The Sims 3: Generations (PC) En Masse Entertainment Tera (PC) Focus Home Interactive A Game of Thrones: Genesis (PC) Of Orcs and Men (PC, PS3, X360) Rotastic (PC, PS3, X360) The New Adventures of Sherlock Holmes: The Testament of Sherlock (PC, PS3, X360) Gazillion Fortune Online (Webgame) Marvel Super Hero Squad Online (PC) Microsoft Forza Motorsport 4 (X360) Gears of War 3 (X360) MonkeyPaw Games BurgerTime HD (PS3, Wii, X360) Nexon Dragon Nest (PC) Vindictus (PC) Nintendo Super Mario 3DS (3DS) The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword (Wii) No Publisher Announced Phineas and Ferb: Across the Second Dimension (DS, Wii) Perfect World Entertainment Raiderz (PC) SouthPeak Games Battle VS Chess (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360) Tecmo Ninja Gaiden III (PS3, X360) Telltale Games Back to the Future: The Game -- Episode 5: Outatime (PC, PS3, iPad) Jurassic Park: The Game (PC, PS3, X360) Puzzle Agent 2 (PC, PS3, iPad, iPhone) TopWare Interactive Scivelation (PC, PS3, X360) Two Worlds II: Pirates of the Flying Fortress (PC, PS3, X360) Trion Worlds End of Nations (PC) Rift (PC) Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Revelations (PC, PS3, X360) Call of Juarez: The Cartel (PC, PS3, X360) Driver: San Francisco (PC, PS3, X360) From Dust (PC, PS3, X360) Rayman Origins: Episode 1 (3DS, PC, PS3, Wii, X360) Rocksmith (PC, PS3, X360) The Adventures of TinTin (DS, PC, PS3, PSP, Wii, X360) Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon: Future Soldier (DS, PC, PS3, X360) TrackMania2 Canyon (PC) Warner Bros. Interactive Bastion (PC, X360) Batman: Arkham City (PC, PS3, X360) Green Lantern: Rise of the Manhunters (3DS, DS, PS3, Wii, X360) Sesame Street: Once Upon a Monster (X360) The Lord of the Rings: War in the North (PC, PS3, X360) LINK ____________________ ____________________ HORARIO DE CONFERENCIAS: Microsoft 6 de Junio – 9:30am Sony 6 de Junio – 5:00pm Nintendo 7 de Junio – 9:00am __________________ Personalmente no puedo esperar, algunos de mis juegos favoritos seran presentados ahi! ¿Que juegos os gustaria que presentasen además?
  18. ^ Es imposible, por la razón que he comentado arriba
  19. Pero como va a seguir siguiéndo a Ezio el Animus si sus memorias ya se han transmitido al niño mediante el ADN? No es posible que queden guardadas sus futuras memorias, y eso es justo lo que pretendía mostrar el spoiler. EDIT: Scans GameInformer! The Sentinel pinta genial! De momento es mi favorito!! Creo que The Vanguard es un intento de La Cortesana, pero prefiero La Cortesana un millón de veces <- Nadie la puede superar xD Aunque en la screen pinta genial!!
  20. Es imposible que Ezio engendrase ya al pariente de Desmond en los eventos de AC2/ACB/ACR (hasta que acabemos de jugar con el) porque el ADN y sus memorias pasarian a ser ya las del niño y el Animus seguiria al niño EDIT: Actualización del Hub #1: The Multiplayer of Assassin's Creed
  21. First, this is not AC3, it's sort of an expansion like Brotherhood was. This game is supposed to clear up all the questions thusfar and bring a closing to the stories of "current characters". The game takes place in Constantinople at the beginning of the 16th century. The city is ripe with Templar activity and they fiercely battle the Ottoman. The city is said to be bigger and more populated than Rome, and will be split up into 4 large districts. You will once again be in the shoes of Ezio, who is now in his 50s. [spoiler FROM THE GAME]The game starts with Ezio going to Masyaf, the home of Altair in AC1, to look for information on Altair and the Creed. Ezio discovers that Masyaf has been overrun by Templars and after doing some investigating he learns of an extremely powerful artifact hidden inside of Masyaf. To get to it, he must find 5 ancient seals in order to gain access to it, however the Templars are also going after it. Ezio will make new friends, such as Suleiman, Yusuf Azim who is also a master assassin, and Sofia Sorto who makes Ezio question what his life would be like if he had never had to become an assassin.The Seals that Ezio seeks will also give you a glimpse of Altair's life and you will get a chance to play as Altair during these small sessions.Ezio will of course have an all new arsenal, but two of the main things are the new Hookblade, which will be attached to the hidden blade and allow Ezio to climb faster, grab enemies, ride on zip lines, and be 150% more badass. It's basically just a small blade with a curved end.The other new feature is Bomb Making. You will be able to craft over 300 different types of bombs from flash and smoke bombs to explosive and even bombs that drop caltrops to stop chasers.Eagle vision will also be much more advanced, you will be able to see where somebody, for instance a guard, has recently been or soon will be so you can lay traps in advance.Borgia Towers will return but will be much more advanced and offer more variety. Assassins will be more in-depth and you can even get missions from them as well as lose control of a "Den" you have previously taken over.There will be random missions, such as a merchant being robbed or a woman being assaulted that you can choose to do something about or just leave alone.The game is using Mocam which is the same technology being used by L.A. NoireThe cinematic camera is also being changed.[MASSIVE SPOILER FROM BROTHERHOOD]Desmond is in a coma from the end of Brotherhood, and the two assassins who find him put him back into an animus, as such he is basically trapped inside his own mind. Players will play as Desmond as he tries to reconstruct his mind and wake back up. Through doing this, players will also get a look into Desmond's past life. Desmond is basically looking for a "nexus" of where him, Ezio, and Altair all come together and why they do.Finally, multiplayer will return but they promise it will be much better. Multiplayer will now be more story-driven to allow players to get a more in-depth view of the Templars and what they stand for. There is a new gamemode that will involve mutliplayer story quests. There will be more customization and more characters as well.Traducción de Google:
  22. Si, ya lo sabía, por eso dudaba. Gracias igualmente
  23. Gracias, me informaré a ver si puedo conseguirlo
  24. Añadiré trailers, la musica y la experiencia interactiva de Portal 2 al OP Por cierto, debería jugar Half Life? He oído hablar mucho de él pero no estoy seguro ...
  25. Si, es un juegazo, ahora mismo estaba rejugandolo escuchando las genialidades de GLaDOS xDD!! Y sí, lo de las cortinas de baño es oficial
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