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Todo lo publicado por rock3r

  1. Retrasado....
  2. MDNA Tour World Domination escuchando el #MDNAtour #Madonna esta genial!! http://t.co/5jhld9GP

  3. La app de Google+ esta mucho mejor que Facebook para iPhone

  4. Yo tengo Mac si no con todo gusto hacia el experimento con windows 7; pero expliquenme algo se descarga solo un ejecutable o necesita de una plataforma base (como Steam)??
  5. Mañana sale a la venta, estare pendiente en la AppStore, mi duda es si sadra con contenido extra, regularmente todos salen asi en la AppStore (Batman Arkham Asylum, Deus EX: Human Revolution - Ultimate Edition, Boderlands) El resto de las capturas estan aqui: http://www.feralinteractive.com/?game=underworld&subsection=media#screenshot7
  6. Vendo 2 boletos sec Platino para #Madonna #MDNAtour confiable y rápida transacción para #ForoSOL #24deNov #Mexico precio ticketmaster

  7. All i need is #luv 💙ðŸ˜

  8. viendo algunos ensayos del #MDNATour o.0! #Madonna #mdna

  9. Estos son los trailers para MAC
  10. No tengo servicio Iusacell : Usuario Molesto....

  11. Me preparo para la segunda Preventa de #Madonna , pero mi Cartera lo esta?? #MDNAtour #ForoSOL #mdna #Mexico

  12. No recuerdo m correo de Yahoo ???

  13. Vendo Boletos #Madonna #MDNAtour #tour2012 #Mexico transaccion rapìda & confiable.Checa Reputacion http://t.co/lNQHIcW7 http://t.co/a3rzwaq5

  14. Vámonos a la fiesta

  15. AGUAS FRAUDE! - 3 Boleto Madonna Madona Foro Sol Sabado 24 De Noviembre http://t.co/56wIeVom #MdnaTour #Madonna #mexico #adML

  16. 3600 Visitas y ninguna compra , demonios !

  17. El 20 de mayo hay un eclipse de Sol que los mayas predijeron - Terra USA http://t.co/jBjOm7Uy vía @TerraNoticiasUS

  18. Me acabo de encontrar con la noticia: Tomb Raider release date shifts to early 2013 de Tomb Raider, el Domingo, 13 de mayo de 2012 a la(s) 23:16 · Hello everyone, Below you’ll find a very important message from Darrell Gallagher, Head of Studio at Crystal Dynamics. A Message to the Tomb Raider Community When Crystal Dynamics first set out to reboot the Tomb Raider franchise, there were two goals that we were extremely passionate about. The first was to create a modern Tomb Raider game that would surprise and excite gamers. The second was to make this the best game of our careers, something we would be really proud to be a part of. We truly believe that we have something very special on our hands and we can’t wait to share it with you. Our priority now is to make sure we fully deliver the very highest quality game. In order to do this, we have decided to move the game’s release date by a few months, from Fall 2012 to the first quarter of 2013. We’re doing things that are completely new to Tomb Raider in this game and the additional development time will allow us to put the finishing touches into the game and polish it to a level that you deserve. We believe this is the right choice and I guarantee it will be worth the wait. The game is looking amazing and we can't wait to show it to everyone at E3 in a few weeks. Darrell Gallagher While disappointment in having to wait a bit longer for Tomb Raider is natural, I – and the rest of the studio – firmly believe this is the right decision. I know you’ll agree when holding an exceptional experience in your hands come launch day. I’m sure you’ve got lots of questions about the news above. We’ve created a dedicated thread in the official forums for you to voice your questions and comments. I’ll personally gather the common inquires and pose them to Darrell in the next Crystal Habit Podcast, so here’s an opportunity to make your voice heard. Official Forum Thread: http://forums.eidosgames.com/showthread.php?p=1757478#post1757478 To take a bit of the edge off the delay, we decided to release a new screenshot hinting at content you’ll be seeing at E3. As always thank you for your continued support! Meagan Marie http://www.gameinformer.com/b/news/archive/2012/05/13/tomb-raider-moves-into-early-2013.aspx :@ Esperemos que sea paea bien y realicen un buen juego ya que tendran unos meses mas para hacerlo Coloco la imagen de Lara con el Arco que menciona Saqueadordt

    #Mozilla #Firefox12 es realmente estable en #MAC he tenido en 4 días mas de 30 Crash! o.0?

  20. Echa un vistazo a "It's the weekend " en @piictu http://t.co/VwttgrYH

  21. Vendo 2 Boletos Platino para #Madonna #mdna #MDNAtour #mexico #ForoSOL 24 de Nov, Pregunta! Rapida y confiable transaccion

  22. Asi es yo tengo una mac. Es cierto, lo han sacado demasiado tarde, pero no tan tarde como para disfrutarlo de nuevo La version de Anniversary esta realizada muy bien, no se pasma y hasta la fecha no me da problemas incluso con todos los efectos activados, cosa que no pude hacer en Windows
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