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Todo lo publicado por Lu!s

  1. esperemos que alguien lo tradusca.
  2. de nada bueno, lo de la entrevista, ay algo que entiendo, El T-Rex sera 50 % mas grande que el de TR1. y que Valle Perdido permitira mas gameplay y exploracion que el original.
  3. el mio todavia es en junio pero bueno es un mes despues
  4. alguien de aqui, ya ha preordenado el juego por internet?
  5. aqui la entrevista sobre el Lost Valley, si alguien la traduce: How has the Lost Valley changed from the original game? Actually in the original game it didn't really work - it was actually supposed to be a valley with the open sky above but, because of the limitations of the hardware, lots of that part was in a cave. So the first thing we did, we opened it up to the sky - it changed the whole feel of the environment. But overall, the feeling of the space when you came in and the floor of this valley that was lush and green in contrast to the rest of what you'd been in before - you know, up until that point with caves and grey and a little bit of running water and what-not - and er the fact is all still there. We've sort of condensed some of the gameplay in the outlying sort of caves around there - we still have caves and little areas off of the main valley, but we've put more gameplay into the actual structure of the valley itself, so you go in, you fight the T-Rex, you get to the temple at the end and go through it all and what-not - there's more pathing and exploration of the space itself within the main complex of the valley. So you're never... believing this interesting-looking, lush, open environment and then just going off into side caves - we wanted to bring more of the gameplay into the more visually interesting area. You mentioned the T-Rex. The level demo we saw ended with the T-Rex's foot stomping into the screen. Are we going to be amazed when we actually see it? What's it like? Yeah, I mean the T-Rex is actually really fun - we spent a lot of time on the T-Rex in general. I mean, all of the bosses, but especially the T-Rex, because it is such a memorable moment from the original so... he's back and he's actually humungous now. We had originally created the T-Rex sort of the same size as the T-Rex in TR1 and then when people played at they were like 'well, he's kinda small', so we actually made him about 50% bigger or even more - I can't remember exactly how much bigger. But you know, we made him bigger, he's higher speed, higher fidelity, he's got all sorts of groovy, great texturing on him, particle effects for spin, when he runs around and everything... his sound is terrific, he shakes the ground and everything. I think it fulfils everyone's expectations of what battling a T-Rex on foot would be like. I think everyone at the studio is really happy with the way that he turned out - it's a really fun experience fighting him. Looking through the new Lost Valley it seems there's a lot more detail in it - with the addition of houses. What was the thinking behind that? It was part of our goal to not only redo what was in the original but also to expand the story and believability of the spaces - one of the main parts of the first chapter of the original game, Peru, was the City of Vilcabamba, which was sort of only seen in very small areas and then there were a lot of just caves and then a little bit more area later on once you get into Qualopec's tomb - there wasn't really the sense that a civilisation had really inhabited this entire underground cave system and really built up a civilisation here. So we went back and we remade it. We really wanted to convey the feeling that there was this civilisation and it's grown up and developed around the Scion piece that was contained there and sort of created a more believable environment for the player so it didn't just seem like there were isolated pockets of human habitation within this giant cave system so and there was all of that, so you'd see more small bits of human sort of development in various spots throughout the level. You mentioned earlier that the T-Rex was scaled up - we were looking at the waterfall today and how much bigger it's got. Was everything small in Tomb Raider one? It wasn't that everything was small but the really memorable pieces, people seem to remember as being larger than they were. Almost the exact same thing happened with the waterfall, like we made it the same size as the original one but everybody was like "oh, there's this dinky little waterfall". So part of what we wanted to do when we were recreating everything was to increase the scale and the epicness of the environment. So in very memorable spots or really very visually interesting spots like the waterfall and the valley with the T-Rex and what-not, they feel as epic and cool and interesting and exciting as both people remember from the original who are familiar with it, but also to people who have never played it before and are experiencing it for the first time - we wanted it to be as dramatic as possible. Be sure to check back tomorrow when Jason talks about the new Egypt level and the bonus features in this special edition of Tomb Raider and we show you some exclusive concept art before walking you through the new level on Thursday and Friday. See you there.
  6. Si, tal vez anada nuevo, pero esperemos que saquen algo nuevo hay que esperar para ver.
  7. creo que si no estoy seguro
  8. ire a ver en eldepartamente de von croy. me pondre a jugar
  9. yo tampoco. yo tambien tengo el juego y he visto la pelicula mil veces en la television
  10. voto por Natla!!! la mejor villana de Tomb Raider!
  11. Buenas noticias! en trforums han puesto este post: http://www.tombraiderforums.com/showthread.php?t=89212 dice de Games Radar tendra exclusivas del juego esta semana!!!! incluyendo el first look de Egipto!, una entrevista e imagenes nuevas hasta ahora, Games Radar ha puesto un post nomas: http://www.gamesradar.com/gb/ps2/game/feat...601301244784300 ya en la semana van a ir aumentando con mas post. mañana pondran la parte 2 del post, que tendra una comparacion del Annversary con el TR1 (parte por parte), una entrevista con Jason Botta (de CD), que nos habla del Lost Valley y del encuantro con el T-Rex.
  12. esa imagen es muy bonita! si que te da la sensacion de exploracion con soledad.
  13. caundo sacaran imagenes nuevas? y la contratapa de la caratula del juego? deberian desvelarla.
  14. gracias por la explicacion BestmanPi
  15. yo antes veia Buffy en FOX, pero de pronto dejaron de dar.
  16. parece que la mayoria de nosotros ha votado por el si! :)que bien!
  17. la caja esta muy hermosa! si se fijan a la izquierda del disco del juego esta una imagen de la Lara del anniversary.
  18. yo me inscribi por la mochila de cuero para hombres esta muy bonita con esos juegos ya me llego el email de confirmacion. Suerte para todos (en especial para mi jajajajaja).
  19. que pasa? por ya casi nadie postea sus comentario, como dice PERICO, los unicos que postean son yo, PERICO y Escorpio. donde estan los demas.
  20. Tocas muy bien!!! esta muy bueno el video, felicidades.
  21. si pero que nivel es el que tiene mas secretos para encontrar
  22. El Cairo City of the Dead - Citadel La Mejor parte del juego, la que disfrute jugar y mi preferida. La Cuidad de los Muertos estuvo muy bien hecho, el paisaje y el clima tenebroso y tetrico, excelente para el juego . El sidecar estuvo muy bien, las cutscenes del sargento y Lara estuvieron bien hechos, el guion es muy bueno. Despues Las Camaras de Tulun estuvieron bien tenebrosas, con otro minotauro con armadura. Despues la Puerta de la Cuidadela me encanto el dragon , su grito era muy tetrico y quitaba el aliento (bueno no tanto ) mi monstruo preferido. El resto de los niveles estaban muy bien hecho, los graficos y el clima te daba la sensacion de estar solo y aislado. Street Barzaar me fue un nivel dificil pero no imposible con otro TORO. Para finalizar La Ciudadela (muy bien nivel para cerrar esta etapa del juego.) me encanto la cutscene con Von Croy que ahora era Seth, con esos ojos rojos. Me gusto este nivel pero fue el que mas miedo me dio por esos 2 caballeros resucitados por Von Croy que atacan a Lara, muy buenos enemigos. Sigue la parte final (y mas dificil del juego).... Los niveles de Gizah
  23. que bueno que ya falte poco marzo, abril, MAYO!!
  24. Solo en el PC hay de los botiquines bueno que importa
  25. deberia haber un truco con los botones para tener las 2 pistolas. por que core design no puso las 2 pistolas en el juego!!!!
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