;************************************** ; ; Tomb Raider IV English Strings File ; Release Version 1.00 ; ;************************************** ;-------------------------------------- ; Generic Strings ;-------------------------------------- [Strings] Cambodia, 1984 The year 2000, somewhere in Egypt... Title Load Screen Playable Tutorial Level The Tomb Of Seth Burial Chambers Valley Of The Kings KV5 Temple Of Karnak The Great Hypostyle Hall Empty Level Slot Reb 2 Tomb Of Semerkhet Reb 3 Desert Railroad Alexandria Coastal Ruins Pharos, Temple Of Isis Cleopatra's Palaces Catacombs Temple Of Poseidon The Lost Library Hall Of Demetrius City Of The Dead Trenches Chambers Of Tulun Citadel Gate Street Bazaar Citadel The Sphinx Complex The Valley Temple Underneath The Sphinx Menkaure's Pyramid Inside Menkaure's Pyramid The Mastabas The Great Pyramid Khufu's Queens Pyramids Inside The Great Pyramid Temple Of Horus ; these are Del`s handy general inventory strings... Unlimited %s USE CHOOSE AMMO COMBINE SEPERATE EQUIP COMBINE WITH LOAD GAME SAVE GAME EXAMINE \x14 More \x14 Select Ammo \x14 Select Option \x14 Combine ; these are the normal inventory text entries (they stay the same for EVERY level!) Uzi Pistols Shotgun Revolver Revolver + LaserSight Crossbow Crossbow + LaserSight Grenade Gun Shotgun Normal Ammo Shotgun Wideshot Ammo Grenadegun Normal Ammo Grenadegun Super Ammo Grenadegun Flash Ammo Crossbow Normal Ammo Crossbow Poison Ammo Crossbow Explosive Ammo Revolver Ammo Uzi Ammo Pistol Ammo LaserSight Large Medipack Small Medipack Binoculars Flares Compass Load Save Small Waterskin (Empty) Small Waterskin containing 1 litre Small Waterskin containing 2 litres Small Waterskin containing 3 litres Large WaterSkin (Empty) Large WaterSkin containing 1 litre Large WaterSkin containing 2 litres Large WaterSkin containing 3 litres Large WaterSkin containing 4 litres Large WaterSkin containing 5 litres Crowbar QuestItem1:Amulet Of Horus QuestItem2:Breast Plate QuestItem3:Left Greave QuestItem4:Right Greave QuestItem5:Left Gauntlet QuestItem6:Right Gauntlet Mechanical Scarab Mechanical Scarab With Key Winding Key Armoury Key The Guards Keys Scrap Of Paper Stone of Maat Stone of Khepri Stone of Atum Stone of Re Northern Shaft Key Southern Shaft Key Eastern Shaft Key Black Beetle Broken Beetle Broken Glasses Fire Circle Scroll Ignition Key Music Scroll Coin Piece Eye Of Horus Eye Piece The Timeless Sands The Hand Of Orion The Hand Of Sirius Scarab Talisman The Golden Serpent Golden Skull Metal Blade Wooden Handle Silver Key Western Shaft Key Shovel Holy Scripture Canopic Jar 1 Canopic Jar 2 Sun Goddess Sun Disk Sun Talisman Cartouche Piece 1 Cartouche Piece 2 Ba Cartouche Ra Cartouche Golden Vraeus Guardian Key Hypostyle Key Temple Key Nitrous Oxide Feeder Valve Pipe Nitrous Oxide Cannister Car-Jack Car-Jack Body Handle Roof Key Weapon Code Key Mine Detonator Mine Detonator Body Mine Position Data Trident Golden Star Hook and Pole Wall Hook Broken Handle Hathor Effigy Ornate Handle Portal Guardian Horseman's Gem Pharos Knot Pharos Pillar Token Gate Key The Rules of Senet Bag of Sand Jerrycan Yes No Load Game New Game Paused Select Game To Load Select Game To Save GAME OVER Save Game Exit to Title DEMO MODE Current Location Statistics Distance Travelled Ammo Used Secrets Found Location Health Packs Used Time Taken days of Action Draw Weapon Jump Roll Walk Look Duck Dash Inventory RULES1:To win the game, get all your pieces off the\nboard by landing them on the final ankh\nsquare. On your turn spin the sticks. Your\n throw is the number of white sides showing. RULES2:If no white sides show, your throw is a six.\nIf you throw a six or land on an ankh square\nyou get an extra turn. If you land on an\nopponent's piece, it is returned to the start PETEPOO:For the serpents to live,\nall must first be stilled.\nprovoke each in turn,\nand the circle will burn\ncomplete. ;-------------------------------------- ; PlayStation Strings ;-------------------------------------- [PSXStrings] BSELECT:\x14 Select BCANCEL:\x17 Cancel BGOBACK:Back \x17 BOK:\x14 Ok CANCELB:Cancel \x17 MEMCARD:BESLES-02238 INSERT:Insert a Memory Card\ninto Memory Card slot 1 CHECKING:Checking Memory Card FORMAT:Memory Card is unformatted\nFormat Memory Card ? LOADING:Loading data\nDo not remove Memory Card SAVING:Saving data\nDo not remove Memory Card FORMATTING:Formatting Memory Card\nDo not remove Memory Card OVERWRITE:Overwrite data on Memory Card ? UNFORMATTED:Memory Card is unformatted\nInsert a formatted Memory Card NOSPACE:Memory Card has insufficient free blocks\n\nInsert a Memory Card with at least\ntwo free blocks NOGAMES:There are no Tomb Raider IV\nsave games on the Memory Card\nin Memory Card slot 1 LOADING Load OK Saved OK Format OK Load Failed Save Failed Format Failed Empty Controller Removed Resume Quit Game Settings Control Options Are you sure you want to quit ? Screen Adjust FXVOL:SFX Volume\t\t\t MUSICVOL:Music Volume\t\t\t Use directional buttons\nto adjust the screen Configure Controls Configuration n Vibration On Vibration Off Manual Targeting Automatic Targeting PAD:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n PAD2:\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n ;------------------------------------- ; Credit Strings ;------------------------------------- Programmers Additional Programmers AI Programming Animators Level Designers FMV Sequences Additional Artwork Music & Sound FX Original Story Script Producer QA Executive Producers Additional Sound FX TEAM1:Chris Coupe TEAM2:Martin Gibbins TEAM3:Derek Leigh-Gilchrist TEAM4:Tom Scutt TEAM5:Richard Flower TEAM6:Martin Jensen TEAM8:Phil Chapman TEAM7:Jerr O'Carroll TEAM9:Joby Wood TEAM10:Andrea Cordella TEAM11:Pete Duncan TEAM12:Jamie Morton TEAM13:Richard Morton TEAM14:Andy Sandham TEAM15:Peter Barnard TEAM16:David Reading TEAM17:Matt Furniss TEAM18:Simeon Furniss TEAM19:John Lilley TEAM20:Damon Godley TEAM21:Mark Hazelton TEAM22:Steve Huckle TEAM23:Steve Hawkes TEAM24:Darren Wakeman TEAM25:Peter Connelly TEAM26:Martin Iveson TEAM27:Hope Canton TEAM28:Dr Kieron O'Hara TEAM29:Troy Horton TEAM30:Tiziano Cirillo TEAM31:Nick Connolly TEAM32:Hayos Fatunmbi TEAM33:Paul Field TEAM34:Steve Wakeman TEAM35:Dave Ward TEAM36:Jason Churchman TEAM37:Jeremy H. Smith TEAM38:Adrian Smith TEAM39:Clint Nembhard TEAM40:Benjamin Twose ;-------------------------------------- ; PC Strings ;-------------------------------------- [PCStrings] PC Programmer Programmers Additional Programming Resume Options Empty Slot Music Volume SFX Volume Sound Quality Low Medium High Targeting Manual Automatic ;------------------------------------- ; Setup Dialog Strings ;------------------------------------- Graphics Adapter Output Settings Output Resolution Texture Bit Depth OK Cancel Hardware Acceleration Software Mode Volumetric FX Bilinear Filtering Bump Mapping Low Resolution Textures Low Resolution Bump Maps Sound Device Disable Bit ; As In 16 Bit Full Screen Windowed Render Options No Sound Card Installed Failed To Setup DirectX Exit Control Configuration Use Flare Control Method Mouse Keyboard Joystick Waiting Reset Save Settings Saved OK Step Left Step Right Play Setup Install Uninstall ReadMe Demo Mode - Esc To Exit Select Level No FMV OEM1:\n\n\nCongratulations on reaching the end\nof this special version of the game.\nIf you want to continue Lara's adventure,\nyou need to purchase the full version.\nRemember to keep your save game files,\nto continue from where you are now.\nFor details of transferring your save game\nfiles refer to the readme file,\nthis is accessed via the task bar. THE LAST STRING ENTRY